children's classes

“Blessed is that teacher who shall arise to instruct the children, and to guide the people into the pathways of God, the Bestower, the Well-Beloved.”

― Bahá'u'lláh

The aim of Bahá’í children’s classes is to nurture the tender hearts and minds of children by helping them to develop spiritual qualities and the habits of behaviours that constitute the essential attributes of a spiritual being. The classes are for children aged between 5 to 11 provide an opportunity for children to develop virtues, such as compassion, friendliness, justice, respect, and consideration through stories, craft and co-operative games, and participate in service projects. 

The Baha’i Writings describe children as “….as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.”

These “gems” are the spiritual qualities that are latent in the soul of every person. Our neighborhood children’s classes help children to discover and polish these gems from an early age and apply what they learn to everyday life. They use songs and prayer, co-operative games, memorization of quotes, and craft to reinforce these spiritual qualities.

Bahá’í Children’s Education teachers are certified under the Bahá’í Child Protection Policy.  This certification requires mandatory police checks.

“Every child is potentially the light of the world”

Children's Class in XXXX

XX members in the group in XXXXXX are currently training to be teachers of Children’s Class. Their collective desire for the moral and spiritual education of children has brought them together, and through the support of one another will soon start weekly classes for the children in their area. 

Main activities in the Childrens Class Program

Prayer and Memorization



Games and Art

Childrens Spiritual Education

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Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program

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Study Circles

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Devotional Gatherings

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Community Engagement

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Childrens Spiritual Education

Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program

Study Circles

Devotional Gatherings

Community Engagement

celebrating 200years

The Bicentennary of the birth of The Báb

The Bicentennary of the Birth of The Báb

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“So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth.”

― Bahá'u'lláh


Baha'i Faith

The Baha’i Faith is a worldwide religion based on the teachings of Baha’u’llah (1817-1892). Baha’I’s have a fundamental belief in the Oneness of God, the Oneness of Religion and the Oneness of Humanity, which Baha’i’s view as the building blocks of bringing about the unity of mankind.

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Building vibrant Communities


The Baha’i’s of the Ipswich Region have a long and rich history in Ipswich. If you like to learn more about us please get in contact via phone or email. We are more than open to meetup via online or in person if current situation in Ipswich permits.


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“The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds and through commendable and seemly conduct.”